If you've never made an animation in Photoshop, it can be hard to find all the moving parts and put them in order. That's why we'll keep this simple.
1: image
2: poses
3: frames
Find an image you like with a transparent background.
Now open up Photoshop and let's make this bouncy noodle boy.
[[Let's do it!!! ->Then]]Step 1
Go to the Window menu in Photoshop and open Timeline.
Like this:
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/f1/4c/Ed86EVIx_o.png' width="500"
You will have the option to make a Video Timeline or a Frame Animation.
Create a frame animation.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/5d/2c/8gg3R267_o.png' width="300" height="200"></center>
[[It should look like this]], [[not this]].
[[Next Step->Next]][[<img src="https://images2.imgbox.com/ca/a4/E2giuksg_o.png" width="800" height="400">->Then]]
(live: 5s)[(goto: "Then")][[<img src="https://images2.imgbox.com/86/6f/zvIJrfm3_o.png" width="800" height="400">->Then]]
(live: 5s)[(goto: "Then")]Create a second frame.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/27/cc/xgEEGYf6_o.png' width="500"
Duplicate the layer with your character. Make it visable in the second frame, and turn off the visibility of the original layer.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/2d/42/1upNF7bs_o.png' width="500"
Add Puppet Warp from the Edit menu to the current frame.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/aa/8c/NKx2b5K5_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
[[What if it tells me that I can't?]]
[[Good job so far]]You most likely have a different layer selected, maybe an empty frame or the default background layer. [[Please try again ->Next]]This will allow you to add push pins to stretch, warp, and pull your character.
Adjust the push pins to move the character in the new frame to a desired position.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/a3/a1/2RNPGTxg_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
Push pins you don't move will work as anchor points holding an object in place.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/6d/26/ENU5Tz3i_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
For a simple bounce mechanic we really only need two pins. Place one in the upper torso and one in the pelvis. Drag the upper pin down, but not so much that your image starts to contort.
[[Mesh visibility]] can be turned on or off to make micro adjustments.
[[Next step]]Now we turn off our recently adjusted frame and create a third frame.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/97/d9/6pQVYxRE_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
Since this is a single bouncing loop, we can simply make layer one visible again and we're done.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/ba/15/7b3bMqb1_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
You can export it as a .png image to use in other media, or export as a .gif for animation.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/74/01/TMbdd7k1_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
Export as legacy, save as a gif, and bounce forever.
<center><img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/2b/fa/5PyNqz4K_o.png' width="500" height "400"></center>
[[To Beginning->You like animation?]]Howdy Stranger
Today we're going to play with animation in Photoshop.
While Photoshop isn't the first thing I think of when I think of animation, it is a much cheeper solution than adding After Effects to a Creative Cloud plan.
When we're done our animation will look a lil something like..... [[THIS->(LIKE THIS)]], but with your actor of course.
Simple but effective. No?
This tutorial covers Puppet Warp in the Animation Timeline.
Ready to get started?
[[Let's get started->Untitled Passage]]Click the image to return to the tutorial.
<center>[[<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/2d/79/J5u8GtGv_o.gif' width="600"
height="500">->You like animation?]]</center><center>[[<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/4c/18/TPLWNLyL_o.png' width="500" height "400">->Good job so far]]</center>