Welcome to a tutorial about adding styles and filters to animated sequences in [[Photoshop.]]Click on Window and open Timeline.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/98/5a/SYDjWBqa_o.png' width="600"
You should now see your images as a sequence in the Timeline.
In the Layer panel, make all layers visible then select all frames.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/dc/b7/TFxKW8pn_o.png' width="600"
In the top right corner of the Timeline panel is a |||. Click it to open a list of options.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/4f/18/EFPXbiUo_o.png' width="600"
Select "Convert to Video Timeline".
[[You should be able to play them as a video->All layers should be visible now]]If all the the frames look the same, something went wrong.
Undo the [[last step ->If you imported a gif sequence or stack of images, there is an additional step]] before trying again.
Once your sequence is a video Timeline, select filter and convert to [[smart filter]].
A warning message will pop up telling you that your sequence will become a smart object.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/53/2e/uGUkDhE6_o.png' width="600"
[[Click Ok]]
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/93/cb/zJpLFt6i_o.png' width="600"
height="500">Highlight your video layer and select "Convert to Smart Filter" from the Filter menu.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/4f/7f/7y6CAN1Q_o.png' width="600"
If you click "play" in the Timeline it should play. If not, you should [[retrace your steps. ->All layers should be visible now]]
I'll be using the new Neural Filters, but any of the filters will work.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/cb/c3/TfXWsyfe_o.png' width="600"
[[Let's check out Neural Filters]]For the most part, Photoshop doesn't really have a lot of features related to moving images, but the ones it does have are great.
Choose any stack of photos, a gif, or video sequence you want to stylize and open it in Photoshop.
[[If you chose a video you're all set->Click Ok]]
[[If you imported a gif sequence or stack of images, there is an additional step]]
I'll be using the short animation I made in my other tutorial, "Animating With Puppet Warp".
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/dc/b7/TFxKW8pn_o.png' width="600", height="500">[[Smart filtering makes non-destructive changes to your work that can later be committed to the original image, or duplicated to new layers, thus preserving the original image.->All layers should be visible now]]Adobe's Neural Filters use AI algorithms to do various tasks such as transfer a style, reduce jpeg artifacting, colorize, and more.
I'm going to be using it to transfer a style.
To keep it simple, I choose the first style and allow it to pass over the image five times which magnifies the effect.
The longer the video, the longer it will take to make the changes. My animation only uses three frames.
This is the original animation,
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/ab/2a/JX2mjVRG_o.gif' width="600"
and this is my end result.
<img src='https://images2.imgbox.com/dc/26/N4pni8bo_o.gif' width="600"
[[To Beginning->Untitled Passage]]