Using this process we will transform an image into a simplified, coloring-book style field of outlines. I use this result in combination with the Fill Bucket tool to fill in random chunks of color to draft new compositional sketches to base artwork off.
Start with any image. I prefer photographic images because they have lots of complexity in tones.
<img src="">
This is what I ended up with if you want to know what you're getting yourself into:
<img src="">
[[Let's get rolling!->ccb-02]]To prime the source image, we're going to add a Gaussian Blur to soften the edges of the image.
To do this, go to (text-colour:blue)["Filter < Blur < Gaussian Blur..."]
<img src="">
I used (text-colour:blue)["5px"] for this, but play around to find something that feels right.
<img src="">
Your image will get a little fuzzy:
<img src="">
[[Next Step->ccb-03]]Now we are going to use (text-colour:blue)["Image < Adjustments < Posterize..."] to simplify the image into planes of color.
<img src="">
I use a (text-colour:blue)[level of 4] to keep the image fairly simple. Using a larger number will increase the number of colors in the posterized palette.
<img src="">
The resulting image will look something like this:
<img src="">
[[Onward my steed->ccb-05]]
[[But what if I didn't add the Gaussian Blur?->ccb-04]]Next we will use (text-colour:blue)["Filter < Stylize < Find Edges"] to convert our colorfield into outlines
<img src="">
The resulting image will look something like this:
<img src="">
[[Pretty!->ccb-06]]If you did not add the Gaussian Blur to your image, the edges that Posterize finds will follow the detail of the source image much more closely, resulting in a realistic-yet-complicated simplification.
<img src="">
For our purposes, this will not be very useful.
[[Onward my steed->ccb-05]]In order to convert our outlines into pure black lines on a white background, we will use (text-colour:blue)["Image < Adjustments < Threshold..."].
<img src="">
When prompted, (text-colour:blue)[''set the limit to 255''] and hit (text-colour:blue)["Ok"].
<img src="">
This is what I got:
<img src="">
Now we have a template to play with!
[[Yah, yah!->ccb-07]]
[[Why 255?->ccb-08]]In the end, you will have an image that looks like a coloring book adaptation of your original photo. Since the pixels are all pure back and pure white, the white spaces will be easily filled using black in the Fill Bucket tool.
I like to click around and try to make an interesting looking composition by filling certain areas. I will use this as a sketch to base the composition of an illustration on. This way, I know I'll already have an interesting composition before I start drawing.
<img src="">
You could also use this for textures, or as a way of processing images to look cool for graphic design projects, and so on.
[[To Beginning->ccb-01]]Threshold is a binary process that tries to convert imagery into //either// ''black'' or ''white'' pixels.
The ''limit'' is what determines which pixels get converted to black.
* Colors with values //smaller// than 255 are converted to black.
* Colors with values //larger// than larger are converted to white.
''255? What??''
255 is a number based on 8-bit color (2^^8^^), and is the maximum value a color can have. Since computer colors are generated in terms of light output, 255 is the maximum amount of light associated with a color. Usually this relates to RGB channels, where pure white is represented with (255,255,255) or (HEX#FFFFFF). Alternatively, pure black is represented with (0,0,0) or (HEX#000000)
Basically, //255=white// and //0=black//.
(text-colour:magenta)[''" ~ ~ ~ This is too complicated Kelsey!!! ~ ~ ~ "'']
Lol sorry I know. Just use the slidy bits of the Threshold window and make it look the way you like it.
[[I hate it here, just show me the final pic pl0s->ccb-07]]