The tool we're going to focus on using is called Content-Aware Scale, which is a relatively new tool in the Adobe Photoshop toolbox.
This tool uses an algorithm to scale an image to maintain important details, while distorting areas of less importance. This tool was designed for <a href="">editing and rescaling photos</a>, but we can use it more creatively.
Content Aware Scale is notorious for sometimes <a href="">hilarious and unpredictable results</a>
[[Show me an example of Content-Aware Scale->qcasa-04]]
[[Show me that Action->qcasa-03]]We'll start by making a new folder to keep our action in, because we stan an organized Actions panel. Do this by clicking the folder shaped icon at the bottom of the Actions window. My new folder is called (text-colour:cyan)["Content-Aware Scale"].
<img src="">
Before we start making an action, we need to make sure our artwork layer is compatible with Content-Aware Scale. Turn off position lock on your background layer by double clicking the lock to its right, or copy and paste the content onto a new layer. Or any other method! Make sure your layer looks something like this:
<img src="">
Next, create a new Action. Do this by clicking the square-with-plus button. Give it a cute name!
<img src="">
I've created a new Action called "Smallify". //Note that the (text-colour:red)[red recording dot] has automatically been toggled on. This means that anything you do in Photoshop from this point forward will be recorded to this new Action. You can toggle recording on and off by clicking the "Stop" square or "Record" circle at will.//
It's time to start recording edits! This will be a simple 2-step Action.
''First'', apply Content-Aware Scale to your layer by going to (text-colour:lime)["Edit < Content-Aware Scale..."]
<img src="">
To keep things simple, I will enter transformations into the entry boxes at the top of the window. I will transform the Width and Height by 80% each. //If Percentage is not your set measurement method, you can type "80%" and hit "Tab" on the keyboard to input this measurement method.//
<img src="">
When you're done, hit "Enter" or the checkbox to confirm the transformation. You will see this edit added to your new Action in the Actions window.
''Second'', we will scale the artwork back to its original size. We will use (text-colour:lime)["Edit < Free Transform"] to do this. Using the same scaling method as above, type "125%" into both Height and Width measurements to return to the original size.
<img src="">
When you are done, click the "Stop" square at the bottom of your Actions window to end recording. If you click the carrots to the right of your Action edits, it will show you the properties of each transformation. Your action should look like this, or very similar. //( Note: Your interpolation method may be different and that's a-ok. That's just the method Photoshop uses to stretch an image. My fav is bilinear. )//
<img src="">
Once your Action is programmed, you can press the right-facing triangle "Play" button to play your action. This is what it will do if performed on the original sketch:
<img src="">
And 5 times?
<img src="">
Try it on all kinds of things!
As an added bonus, I've created another action for myself that replaces the second "Free Transform" edit with a "Content-Aware Scale" using the 125% measurements that transform the edited image to its original size. Extra funky!
<img src="">
[[Take me back!->qcasa-01]]To begin, I will start with rough sketch.
<img src="">
In order to access Content-Aware Scale, simply select the layer you would like to modify, //or// make a selection with any of Photoshop's selection tools.
//(text-colour:magenta)[Note:] Content-Aware Scale cannot be used on a layer with Position Lock turned on, such as your Background layer//
Now, go to "Edit < Content-Aware Scale". It will create a bounding box around your content and you can begin rescaling it.
<img src="">
As you can see, the degree of transformation will affect the level of distortion. Try it!
[[So about that action...->qcasa-03]]Photoshop has a process called "Actions" that allows you to program a sequence of commands which can be run as an operation with a single click. This allows you to save a process to use quickly again and again.
Let's record an action that can strategically mess up some sketches.
First, we'll need to do a little bit of setup :3
You can open your Actions panel by going to
<img src="">
In order to record a new Action, we need to be in the window's default view. If you are in Button Mode, use the window's drop down menu to toggle it off (make sure it is unchecked).
<img src="">
[[Next Step->qcasa-02]]